Do you have questions, or would you like more information about the SKH Stadtteilklinik Hamburg? Give us a call.
Management (Mon–Fri 9.00 am – 4.00 pm)
Tel 040 71591 322
Ward, patient matters
Tel 040 71591 209
We look forward to hearing from you and will help you as quickly as possible.
The main entrance (admissions/reception) is located in the inner courtyard of the building complex. The SKH Stadtteilklinik Hamburg is on the 2nd floor.
You can reach the inner courtyard via the following entrances:
Further entrances:
By bus and train:
By car:
Besenbinderhof 41
20097 Hamburg
Tel 040 428991 050
Weidenbaumsweg 21, Eingang D
21029 Hamburg
Tel 040 428991 020