Dr. med. Katharina Holthausen
Dr. med. Katja Lippmann
Gynaecology practice
Inpatient operations
- Hysterectomy (vaginal / laparoscopic / abdominal)
- Prolapse surgery
- Operations on the ovaries and fallopian tubes (laparoscopic)
- Incontinence operations (TVT)
Outpatient operations
- Endoscopy and curettage
- Conisation or sampling from the cervix in case of abnormal PAP smear)
- Miscarriage operation
- Removal of polyps, genital warts, etc.
- Diagnostic laparoscopy
- Removal of cysts, adhesions, endometriosis, etc. (minimally invasive, laparoscopic)
- Tubal patency investigation in the case of unfulfilled desire to have a child (laparoscopic chromopertubation)
- Sterilisation (laparoscopic)
Affiliated doctors
Inpatient supervision and therapy for gynaecological illnesses, e.g. infusion therapy, antibiotic therapy, pain therapy inpatient supervision and stabilisation during pregnancy-related issues such as
- excessive vomiting
- circulatory problems in need of treatment
- bleeding in early pregnancy
- pain requiring treatment
- psychovegetative fatigue